
Better leaders for a better world

As the dynamics of governance continue to evolve, so must the nature of 董事会 and CEO leadership itself. Leaders must demonstrate the agility and 勇气 to drive the business for today while enabling the business to grow and innovate for the future. 董事会也必须跟上步伐, supporting CEO’s and management teams to address the complex challenges and consider the needs of all stakeholders in the process. Anticipating the questions of tomorrow while operating for today requires incredible alignment, 勇气, vision and sense of shared responsibility and purpose.

靠谱的电子游戏平台’s 董事会 and CEO advisors have deep expertise in the matters that concern CEO’s and 董事会s the most as they navigate these dynamic changes from 董事会 consulting, 董事会 succession planning to 董事会 effectiveness. 除了, our team are specialists in CEO succession planning and can guide 董事会rooms on how to identify, develop and support the CEO’s for today and the future.


Meet our 董事会和首席执行官服务 team

我们有一个大的, global team with deep industry expertise working within our 董事会和首席执行官服务 practice. Find your nearest consultant here.


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Frequently asked questions for 董事会和首席执行官服务

Why should I consider 靠谱的电子游戏平台 董事会和首席执行官服务?

For over 50 years we have guided world-class organizations, 大大小小的, 公共和私人, through critical leadership decisions from board and CEO selection to evaluation, 过渡和继承. We understand the changing nature of governance, including the expectations and implications that will affect boardrooms of today and certainly tomorrow.

除了 to our strategic market expertise, we draw upon proprietary data and insights—including the world’s largest normative CEO database—to build a picture of the leaders you need now and in the future. 我们的 boardroom advisors offer you access to the world’s most extensive network of board -ready talent across all sectors and functions. We work to build diverse and complementary boards, optimizing the expertise and voices of all directors to create a cohesive, 高绩效团队.

结果? A high performing senior team and a leadership pipeline that ensures your board and CEO are future focused and ready for whatever lies ahead.

Here are some of the reasons you should consider 靠谱的电子游戏平台 for 董事会和首席执行官服务:

  • We understand the dynamics of 董事会s and the governance issues that need to be addressed: 董事会rooms around the globe are evolving faster than ever before as the competitive landscape continues to create meaningful disruptions and opportunities. Composition is reshaping at record levels, there is increased regulatory oversight, 环境、社会和治理倡议正在增多, 行动主义正在加速, stakeholders are becoming more vocal and there is a demand for greater accountability for 董事会s. We understand not only the forces of change, but how modern board leadership is evolving and why it matters now more than ever before.
  • We know what it takes to be a successful leader today: Grounded in deep science and abundant, 实践经验, 靠谱的电子游戏平台已经发展成为一个富有的国家, holistic profile of what it takes to be a successful leader for the future. We use the basis of this framework for all of our CEO 继承 planning be the need immediate or for the future. 了解更多关于 企业领导者框架.
  • We define what great leadership looks like for your organization: We start our search and succession process by developing a 成功的形象 that links the business and future strategic priorities of the company directly to the specific capabilities and attributes needed for success in C suite and also 董事会 roles. This 成功的形象 integrates insights on the organization’s culture, ecosystem and transformation agenda, the external market landscape and 靠谱的电子游戏平台’s proprietary data/research on what makes a successful leader for your specific business context.
  • We accelerate CEO development through our world-class programs: Becoming the CEO is not a job change, it’s a career change. 我们身临其境, 引人入胜的, collaborative and business relevant development programs enable leaders to successfully make the leap. 我们的 行政长官学院 is a one-of-a-kind development program that uniquely equips a leader for a CEO role. 和我们的 企业领袖学院 (acknowledged by Fast Company as the “Mayo Clinic” of leadership development) provides emerging and existing C-suite and senior executives with transformative development experiences that empower them to solve today’s greatest business challenges and execute tomorrow’s strategies.
  • 我们帮助ceo们更快地发挥影响力: We work with CEOs at critical points in their careers to build a legacy of leadership in real time. 我们的 CEO影响力加速器 helps them to define their personal brand, strengthen relationships with stakeholders, and evolve organizations by building customized action plans that lead to differentiated outcomes and sustainable success.
  • We know what it takes for a board to succeed: 我们的 focus is on building strategic boards that are critical partners with management, helping to anticipate and shape the future, 在继续监测的同时, 管理和维护性能. We do that by creating alignment between the 4Ps of board effectiveness: their purpose, 他们的构成(人), their approach to partnership and their process and structure supported by strong board leadership.
  • We are committed to boardroom diversity: We have already placed extraordinary, diverse talent into leadership roles, and it is our continuing mission to unleash the power of ALL - building diverse, equitable and inclusive organizations, 从最上面开始. 我们的 research has given us unrivaled access to underrepresented CEO and board director candidates. 和我们的 成功配置文件 help you objectively assess all candidates without bias.

What is the board member succession process?

A diverse and complementary board is a powerful asset. Building such a high-performing team requires a strategic approach to board member recruitment. These are the steps we take when working with organizations to build a strategic board:

  • Build a picture of your future board: The experiences and capabilities you need around the boardroom table will depend on the strategic priorities of the business and the market landscape. We translate the language of business into the language of leadership.
  • Identify the gaps between the skillset you have and the skillset you need: We perform an analysis of the backgrounds and experiences of your current board members to build a picture of the board’s current skillset. This process allows us to compare current expertise with desired expertise, identify gaps and design a forward-looking plan for board recruitment and development.
  • Build individual success profiles: We build ideal profiles of future board directors to fill competency gaps, 采取全面的方法. We don’t just identify the required experiences and capabilities of a future director but also their characteristics, motivations and leadership skills which are proven to impact performance outcomes.
  • 找到你需要的领导者: We tap into our extensive network of board talent to identify and assess potential candidates. Then we work with you to identify the right person to complement your existing team and provide support in onboarding them into the role.

What happens after the CEO Search is completed?

我们的 work isn’t done once we have found the right CEO for your organization. We also provide coaching and support to the successor alongside the outgoing CEO to make the transition as smooth as possible. 通过我们的 CEO影响力加速器, we work with the new CEO to help them achieve personal, enterprise and societal impact faster.

We provide the new CEO with a team of 靠谱的电子游戏平台 experts who guide them through to successfully navigate their new role and balance their perform and transform agenda. 这包括:

  • Defining their personal brand and the legacy they want to leave behind.
  • Strengthening relationships with stakeholders inside and outside of the organization.
  • Building customized action plans that lead to differentiated outcomes and sustainable success.