Leadership & Professional Development


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Leadership & professional development for every level

You can’t predict what tomorrow holds for your organization. 但有了正确的领导和专业发展,你可以为任何事情做好准备.

领导力和专业发展可以在各个层面释放价值. For the individual, this means honing their skills, learning new tools, and growing as a professional, 无论这意味着专注于领导能力,还是在职业生涯中拓展和深化能力.

As individuals develop, organizations flourish. Engagement, alignment and effectiveness are unlocked. Shareholder value increases and great talent remains.

变革型领导力和专业发展始于从一人到多人的学习, high tech to high touch.

我们帮助您了解您的领导者和专业人士的成功. 什么将在组织的每个层次上实现敏捷性和变化. We tie assessment, development, 根据学习者的目标和组织的目标一起进行指导. From custom programs to scalable digital solutions, 我们为您的所有员工提供个性化的发展之旅, wherever they are.

What we do

Personalized leadership & professional development for every individual

你需要有技能的人来帮助你改变你的业务. 通过技术和科学,我们可以为您组织中的每个人提供个性化的领导和专业发展, from your top team to new graduate recruits. The result? 领导者和团队能够发挥自己的潜力并实现你的潜力. We do this in four primary ways:

How we can help

Develop people at every level, unlock change at every level

从员工走进公司的那一天起就培养他们——无论他们是刚毕业的毕业生还是最资深的员工——这样你就创造了一种天生就能改变的文化. 从一名员工到多名员工,从各个层面,从高接触到高科技,我们都可以提供帮助.

We help to define what great looks like

Success Profiles™ 明确在特定的工作岗位上表现出色所需要的技能和心态, with benchmarks to measure your talent. 我们描述任何给定角色需要完成的工作, and the skills, experiences, 成功的工作人员应该具备的能力和特质. Once your Success Profiles™ are built, then we work with you on assessing against them, and developing what you need to succeed.

The best development does not happen in isolation. 我们帮助您定义和设计各个层次的学习策略和发展历程, ensuring they build on one another, 在人才群体中建立一致的方法.

We assess where your people are today

领导力和职业发展不是一刀切的. We assess across levels, personality type, 靠谱的电子游戏平台和组织,为了释放潜力,你需要了解你的员工今天在哪里.

根据你的成功概况中列出的能力组合进行衡量, we then conduct persona reports to identify gaps. 靠谱的电子游戏平台快速评估向我们展示了你的员工如何学习得最好, so we can design programs to suit their development needs, leadership potential, learning agility, and identify potential career derailers.

We help you develop your people & create behavior change at scale

Your business moves fast. 你的员工必须至少和你的业务一样快地改变和成长,并尽可能做到最好. 我们知道要寻找什么,以及如何个性化和扩展您需要看到的变化,以获得您渴望的结果, now.

Every person is different. Each one has a different journey. For leaders and professionals, we have highly personalized, 自我导向的按需体验,将带你的员工进行互动, engaging path of targeted skills development.

从一名员工到多名员工,我们可以根据您的需要,通过可扩展的旅程来实现开发 你可以在任何时间,为任何数量的领导人,在世界任何地方竞选. In order to make the learning last, 我们的每一次旅程都是基于行为改变的科学和经过验证的经验.

Through self-scheduled coaching sessions, self-guided learning and assessments, 我们提供了一个可扩展的数字学习平台,旨在嵌入新的行为, mindsets, and knowledge.

Let us be part of your success story



Our experts

Our experts are the best at what they do. 作为一个诚实和包容的合作伙伴,我们与您的团队合作,实现并超越您的业务目标, and we have the knowledge, expertise and experience to help you achieve greatness.

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