
Drive business success by empowering your people and capturing moments that matter


Enhance your employee experience — listen right, understand fast and act with impact

People are the heart and soul of any successful organization. 他们是创造的人, innovate and execute the strategies that drive the company's growth and success. 确保他们参与其中, motivated and productive creates an environment where people can excel at work.

Leaders are looking to create a workplace 文化 that puts people first by fostering loyalty, engagement and productivity at the every level – but where do they begin?

靠谱的电子游戏平台一起听, 我们可以帮你设计, develop and implement innovative employee experience programs that drive alignment and close potential gaps for the individual, 团队与组织. 我们的世界级基准, 最佳实践咨询, and AI-backed analytics will give you the insights you need to make a real impact.

建立一个更强大的, engaged and successful workforce — one that is truly ready to take on the challenges of the future.





光辉渡轮聆听 offers a full range of employee feedback programs:

  • 脉冲

    Quickly launch surveys with standard benchmarked questions, 给你快速的, continuous insight into key metrics, emerging issues and areas of significant organizational change

  • 年度/企业

    Understand the viewpoints of a broad cross-section of employees on a wide variety of topics to set a baseline and track progress over time. Often focused on engagement, performance levers, values and organizational capability

  • 生命周期

    Gather automated feedback at key stages of the employee lifecycle with HRIS integration, giving you a complete picture of how the employee journey changes over time from onboarding through exit

  • 多样性、股票 & 包容

    Determine where you are on your DE&I journey and allow for the creation of a path forward using the 靠谱的电子游戏平台 DE&I Compass, based on our proprietary DE&1、成熟度模型

  • 文化

    Define your "as is" and desired "to be" 文化, and the size of the gap between the two

  • 虚拟教练

    Enable managers to interpret and prioritize feedback, create meaningful action plans and develop skills through curated e-learning content

Let us be part of your success story

Speak with an employee engagement expert


光辉渡轮聆听 is a unique combination of world-class consulting services, unmatched expertise and best in class intellectual property, all used for deploying an end-to-continuous listening program. We partner with leading technology providers to ensure the scalability of your program and provide leaders with the insights they need on topics that include engagement, 文化, DE&I and driving organizational change. We also use these insights to track the success company efforts over time.

Understand employee engagement & 实施差距

  • Identify and close gaps between employee expectations and their actual experience
  • Address low employee engagement and enablement in areas holding back performance
  • Assess understanding and support for strategic transformation programs and help build alignment among employees

Quickly launch your survey and provide insights faster

  • Access to a best practice question library and the ability to quickly program and launch surveys at any time
  • Instant guidance and context to prioritize important next steps for your company using the world's most complete people and organization benchmark databases
  • 直观的仪表盘, advanced analytics and guided action planning with automated AI-driven analysis, allowing for faster and more accurate decision-making

Use unmatched consulting to drive your business forward

  • Drive ROI and improve manager effectiveness by leveraging decades of experience in building end-to-end employee experience programs
  • Integrate operational data with experience data to create a holistic view and optimize employee experience
  • Embark on a listening journey together with a multi-year employee listening strategy tailored to your unique business needs with direct access to world-class experts, turning feedback into actionable insights and measurable results

Schedule a 1:1 expert-led demo